What happens after the last bitcoin is mined

what happens after the last bitcoin is mined

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The reward for mining each likely push up the price of 21 million.

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What Happens to BITCOIN after ALL 21 MILLION are MINED?
Key Takeaways. A Bitcoin halving event occurs when the reward for mining Bitcoin transactions is cut in half. Halvings reduce the rate at which new coins. After all bitcoins are mined, miners will no longer receive block rewards for verifying transactions, but will instead earn transaction fees. It's estimated. Based on the current schedule, all Bitcoin will be mined and in circulation by the year , which leaves a significant amount of time ahead.
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Nodes then verify the transactions further in a series of confirmations. However Bitcoin evolves, no new bitcoins will be released after the limit of 21 million coins is reached. Disclosure Please note that our privacy policy , terms of use , cookies , and do not sell my personal information has been updated. Even so, the final bitcoin will likely not be minted until some time around , according to current estimates.