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Bridgewater Associates is preparing to back its first crypto fund. PARAGRAPHIt has no current intention of cryptocurrsncy investing in crypto. They are doing serious diligence: liquidity, service providers and whatnot. Zack Seward contributed reporting.

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13.55 bitcoins to usd Please note that our privacy policy , terms of use , cookies , and do not sell my personal information has been updated. The key, he says, is to continually reevaluate those investments � and avoid buying more of an asset like bitcoin just because it's temporarily performing well. But Dalio made a surprising turn this year when he said that his views had changed and that he owned some bitcoin. Sign up. Roosevelt signed the Gold Reserve Act , transferring all of the country's privately held gold titles and certificates to the United States Department of Treasury.
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Filip De Mott. Bitcoin USD 47, Bridgewater founder Ray Dalio. They want to secure their buying power, if you want to save. If we look broadly at Bitcoin and the many other blockchains that have followed in its wake, then it's true that they often appear separated from the physical world, but this aspect of crypto development-its detachment-can have beneficial effects.