What on cbbc

what on cbbc

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Tim Kirkby is a director be three minute episodes and executive producer on the.

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Today's CBBC TV schedule. Check out what's on CBBC today, tonight and beyond with our TV guide. CBBC is a British free-to-air public broadcast children's television channel owned and operated by the BBC. It is also the brand used for all BBC content for children aged 6 to Its sister channel, CBeebies, is aimed at younger children aged 6. Blue Peter | CBBC � You can stream Blue Peter live every Friday at 5pm on BBC iPlayer OR if you missed it, you can catch up anytime, anywhere on BBC iPlayer.
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From warring brothers to farting mothers, Horrible Histories presents some of the biggest, best and worst rivalries throughout time. Danger Mouse The Baron rearranges the countries of the world. When the crimebusting rodent and his sidekick Penfold corner the Baron, the evil villain rearranges the countries of the world in order to make his escape. Andy, Jen and Scout head to the Amazon rainforest on a global adventure to discover how scarlet macaw chicks get the vital salt in their diet they need to survive.