Most expensive coins crypto

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The 20 Most Valuable Coins for Collectors Worldwide
The Most Expensive Cryptocurrencies � Bitcoin (BTC) � PAX Gold (PAXG) � Ethereum (ETH) � Maker (MKR) � Binance Coin (BNB) � What To Consider. #5 Maker (MKR) � $ ; #4 Ethereum (ETH) � $1, ; #3 PAX Gold (PAXG) � $1, ; #2 elpinico.orge (YFI) � $7, ; #1 Bitcoin (BTC) � $21, Today's Cryptocurrency Prices ; 1. BTC. Bitcoin. BTC. $46, $46, +%. +% ; 2. ETH. Ethereum. ETH. $2, $2, +%. +%.
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Investing disclosure: The investment information provided in this table is for informational and general educational purposes only and should not be construed as investment or financial advice. Like Tether, USD Coin is a stablecoin pegged to the dollar, meaning that its value should not fluctuate. Ethereum was one of the first altcoins , or alternatives to bitcoin.