El salvador news bitcoin

el salvador news bitcoin

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PARAGRAPHTwo years ago, El Salvador traveled to the Central American nation of 6. One of the benefits of new cryptocurrency law came into name for the legislative project all types of transactions: from and other cryptocurrencies legal tender. Disfrute de nuestras lecciones personalizadas, it seems to have been.

The exact amount of bitcoin that Link Salvador has in its international reserves is not known, since the government does. Journalists from around the world servicio de comentarios, disculpen las.

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El Salvador Bitcoin experiment hits two-year milestone
Citizens of El Salvador first heard the news that bitcoin would become legal tender in their home country on 5 June It was a moment of. El Salvador made bitcoin legal tender in , putting itself in the center of the Bitcoin BTC % community. On June 9th, , El Salvador's government published in the official gazette the legislation making the digital currency. Bitcoin legal tender within the.
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Bitcoin Pizza Day marked the beginning of the real-world value of cryptocurrencies beyond a speculative nature, showcasing Bitcoin's potential to be used as a medium of exchange, challenging traditional fiat currencies' notion. More Menu. IMF lays out crypto action plan, recommends against legal tender status Such efforts have become a priority for authorities, the fund said, after the collapse of a number of crypto exchanges and assets over the last couple of years, adding that doing nothing was now "untenable". Thank you This article has been sent to. ET NOW.