Number of attempts for gate

number of attempts for gate

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Apart from that, let us how many attempts there are. A candidate can appear unlimited candidate on how many attempts. PARAGRAPHCandidates, however, will also have to meet the admission criteria of the admitting institute to get into these institutes.

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How many attempts are possible for the GATE examination?
There is no prescribed limit for the number of attempts, but it is suggested that if you are not getting the desired rank in a maximum of three to four attempts. While some PSUs may say that the age limit is 28 or 30, the number of GATE exam tries for admission to research and post-graduate seats is. A candidate can attempt the GATE exam any number of times, provided they meet the eligibility criteria for the exam.
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Application Date: 24 Nov, - 15 Mar, One can try looking for similar options and keep on studying while doing a full-time job. Question Followers. There is no GATE attempt limit for general category, so candidates can appear for the exam as many times as they wish, from whichever category they belong to. Last updated on Nov 15,